The bigger the LED wall, the better the image. This is the idea that many event technology companies have, for example, when setting up an open-air theater, and this idea can be easily implemented.
But be careful!When using an LED wall, one must always consider using an LED display video controller because of its performance limitations. The most famous all-in-one controller is the NovaStar VX4S, which combines transport card functions, calibrators and video processors, but its performance is exhausted, for example with a maximum area of 60 m² P4mm. Its successor, the VX6S, is more powerful and controls areas of up to 90 m² with optimal wiring P4mm. At this point, it might be tempting to think of simply combining two devices with each other in order to be able to control larger areas. Like our text on latency As shown in the figure, the transport cards can be used in parallel, but with a different appearance to the display. Since the image processing times of these devices are different, the two scalers will never run exactly in sync.
Of course, one could say that a controller controlling a 60m² or 90m² LED area is sufficient. However, it is often forgotten that once you have to make a backup, this consideration is no longer true.
The latest
VX16S is of course even better, as well as up to 10,400,000 pixels. It exceeds the load of the
NovaPro UHD Junior. However, it cannot use fiber optic transmission and is inferior to the NovaPro UHD Junior in terms of processing latency.
BackupsThe backup function can be thought of as a safety line in case of a "crash". When applied to LED walls, this means that if there is a problem with the main cable, the backup cable can intercept the problem. For example, if you build an LED wall, you need one cable for every 15 square meters of P4mm. However, if the cable is not properly connected to the module, or if the module does not work properly, the wall will remain dark from that module onwards. To avoid such failures, it is possible to connect a spare cable from the beginning, so that if the first cable fails, the spare can continue to use the wall in isolation. In this way, proper security can be ensured from the beginning. But this means
If we continue with the P4mm example, this means that the four outputs of the VX4S with backup can only control a maximum of 30m² (2 x15m²), while the VX6S with six outputs can only control a maximum of 45m² (3 x15m²).
NovaPro UHD and
CVT4K-MWith NovaPro UHD or NovaPro UHD jr. although backup is not required, there are two related differences. the NovaPro unit has 16 outputs from the start, so if you use eight of them for backup, you can still control the 120m² LED area of the P4.

NovaPro UHD
MCTRL4KThe second decisive difference, however, is the possibility of expansion, namely CVT4K. This can be used in different ways. On the one hand, it can significantly increase the distance between the LED wall and the control room, since the CVT4K converter does not require the laying of a large number of data cables (which are also limited in length), instead of controlling the LED wall via a single fiber optic Cable. It can also be used to synchronize a copy of the image displayed on one LED wall to a second LED wall.
In terms of backup, it is particularly interesting because it has 16 additional outputs that can be easily connected to NovaPro UHD or NovaPro UHD jr. This means that there are 32 outputs available and the entire 240 m2 (e.g. P4mm) can be controlled via backup. This special feature does not exist in the context of the VX4S or
VX6S and VX16S.
