Discount Code Catalog

In order for our global customers to have a better shopping experience, we will introduce some discounts from time to time or short-term. In addition to authentic quality, it ensures that our price is the best, shopping experience over Amazon, eBay, AliExpress and more.

Discount code use

 • A 5% discount on the entire order.
 • The minimum purchase amount is US$3,000.00.
 • for everyone
 • There is no limit on the number of times

 • Free shipping on the entire order
 • Minimum purchase amount is $100.00
 • For all countries
 • For shipping below $500.00
 • For New customers
 • Can be used once per customer

 • Free shipping on the entire order
 • For all countries
 • Minimum purchase amount is US$300.00
 • for everyone
 • Can be used once per customer

Offer Optional

Free Global Shipping Over $1000
 • The entire order amount exceeds $1000.00
 • all countries
 • Everyone
 • No limit

Bulk large amount order
 • Request a formal quotation form
 • Tailored discounts
 • T/T payment
 • Product recommendations and program recommendations
 • Expatriate technical assistance