LED Module Repair

LED Module Repair

Tools required:
LED Module RepairLED Module Repair
Electronic screw driver                                                       Multimeter
LED Module RepairLED Module Repair
Tweezers                                                                       Soldering machine
LED Module RepairLED Module Repair
Tin thread                                                                     Silicon glue

1. Replacement of the outdoor LED lamp

LED lamps do not work or light constantly, possible is the LED module issue. Check the LED module as follows.

1.1 Use screwdriver take out the mask screws.
LED Module Repair

1.2 Find out the issue LED lamp, test it by multi-meter, if there is not resistance, which shows the LED lamp damaged.
LED Module Repair

1.3 Use tweezer to scoop the glue around this LED lamp, then use iron and tweezer take out the damaged LED lamp.
LED Module Repair

1.4 Take one spare part LED lamp, and test it by multi-meter, then cut the LED pins, keep the length with in 6 to 7mm, and solder it by iron.(Attention please the positive and negative poles, normally the longer pin is the positive poles, the square based hole on the PCB for positive pole)
LED Module Repair

1.5 Add some silicon glue seal up the LED pins , after the silicon glue dried up , assemble the mask back.
LED Module Repair

2. Replacement of the indoor LED lamp and IC

2.1 Add a little Tin then use iron make all the tin floods up the LEDs and IC melt away.
LED Module Repair

2.2 Use tweezers take out the LED or IC.
LED Module Repair

2.3 Take spare part IC or LED, solder together with tin and fixed it on the PCB board by iron.
LED Module Repair

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