About Us

Controller-LED.com is a Store specializing in LED Video Wall Control System Related components.Products include LED controllers,LED video processors,LED Sender Card/Box,LED Receiver Cards,LED Display Screen modules cabinets,LED power supplies,LED stage equipment and other LED display related components.

anatomy of an LED Display Wall system

An LED Display Wall is a system that requires multiple components working together. It starts with a series of LED Panels and a LED Mount System, The wall is then fed by a Digital Signage Software application loaded on a Media Player. An optional Video Processor can be added if you need more inputs for the wall such as Cameras, PC’s or other Media Players as well as Scaling, Picture in Picture and Format Conversion. Lastly, these signals are sent to an LED Video Processor that communicates these video signals to the LED Panels.

We have a 15-year history and serve more than 10,000 events around the world, providing equipment and installation and commissioning services. We have established a good relationship with the hardware and software service providers in the LED display field, which makes us have good prices and inventory.

We are a manufacturer of LED displays and are able to design and produce and sell them independently. We have an absolute advantage in price and can be used for all LED display projects for reference.

How much do you want to save on an LED display, 25% 30% or 75%?
In fact, you only need to spend a small amount of time to read the manuals and commission them.

An LED display controller that is far below the market price is not enough. Want to save even more? Then check out your list of LED display accessories and start shopping now!

LED Controller Store allows your purchasing needs to be more efficiently met, rather than through a layer-by-layer distribution agent. Of course, we also accept large quantities of orders, so that you get a tailored discount, welcome to contact us Request bank account information.

We accept Paypal payments/Credit Card / bank transfer so your order is not at risk. If you do not get the correct item, you can request a refund from Paypal or Bank Credit Card Center within 3 months.

We offer free shipping for items over $2000 and weighing less than 20kg. Products will be shipped via DHL Express or Others 48 hours after you place your order.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly (email, SNS, leave a message), we will be happy to help you.