RGBlink DXP H0104 Distributor HDMI 1 Input 4 Output Video Matrix Splitter

$105.00 USD
by RGBlink
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RGBlink DXP H0104 HDMI 1 Input 4 Output 4K Video Matrix Splitter

RGBlink DXP H0104 is a HDMI2.0 one HDMI input and four HDMI outputs video distributor, to achieve 1 x HDMI2.0 input and 4 x HDMI2.0 output signals distribution. HDMI2.0 supports HDR Ycbcr:4:4:4 technology and 4Kx2K /60Hz resolution, HDCP2.2, 8 bits /10 bits /12 bits /36 bits /36 bits deep color. It supports input EDID management with two EDID modes, users can set according to the needs of the application, complete the best quality image allocation without signal loss display.
  • 1 HDMI in, 4 HDMI out
  • HDMI 2.0, HDCP 2.2 compliant
  • Output resolution up to 4096x2160@60
  • Serializable to increase numbers of display

LED Video processor Appearance
RGBlink DXP H0104 Distributor HDMI 1 Input 4 Output Video Matrix Splitter
LED Video processor Working Diagram
RGBlink DXP H0104 Distributor HDMI 1 Input 4 Output Video Matrix Splitter

Input Voltage DC 12V

Temperature 0℃~55℃
Humidity 10%~95%

Weight: Nett 0.5 kg
Dimensions: Nett 231mmx98mmx24mm

Further Information:
RGBlink DXP H0104
RGBlink DXP H0104 LED Video Processor Specification
RGBlink DXP H0104 LED Video Processor User Manual